Soal olimpiade ipa sd 2018
Soal olimpiade ipa sd 2018

soal olimpiade ipa sd 2018

Currently there are 13 clean development mechanism (CDM) projects registered & approved at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat and only 4 of them with CER issued status. Indonesia is the biggest of CER issuance in the world in geothermal sector or equal to 82.77% of total CER issuance. Geothermal project in Indonesia has contributed 32.91% of total certified emission reduction (CER) with total emission reduction 11,311,630 ton CO 2e. The government of Indonesia has commitment through Presidential Decree No.79/2014 on National Energy Policy to increase renewable energy and target to minimum 23% of primary energy mix (geothermal targeted to 7% by 2025). Currently Indonesia is the second highest of geothermal producer after United State of America, that previously Philippine is in that position. As of first quarter 2018, installed capacity of geothermal project in Indonesia is 1,924.5 MW. Indonesia is the biggest geothermal resources in the world with potential 29 GW. Note: this paper has been presented and submitted at The 7th Indonesia International Geothermal Convention & Exhibition 2019 ABSTRACT Star Energy Geothermal Darajat II, Limited

Soal olimpiade ipa sd 2018